Thursday, 17 March 2016


PUNJAB :- 08699499846, 009988592888

The life aboard a merchant ship is really a unique and unforgettable experience, very difficult to compare to a land job.
Few jobs offer the chance to see so many places in the world, exotic views and meet so many people from so different countries. Obviously, after such experience, you´ll become a well-rounded and worldly person, and get a better understanding about global problems, people from around the world and their culture and way of life.
Nevertheless, it must be considered that this activity connotes some problems and difficulties, to which applicants must pay attention, and requires doubtless a genuine interest.
In this way, if one gets sea-sick on board, a career in the merchant navy wouldn´t be a good option. Applicants have to be calm and composed persons and not disposed to panic in the case of engine failure, adverse climatological conditions or even severe storms. Likewise, working days are very extensive (8-14 hours a day and 7 days a week) and shifts can be irregular. Finally, this sort of job means long periods in extreme confinement and away from home, friends and relationships.

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