Thursday, 17 March 2016


PUNJAB :- 08699499846, 009988592888

The life aboard a merchant ship is really a unique and unforgettable experience, very difficult to compare to a land job.
Few jobs offer the chance to see so many places in the world, exotic views and meet so many people from so different countries. Obviously, after such experience, you´ll become a well-rounded and worldly person, and get a better understanding about global problems, people from around the world and their culture and way of life.
Nevertheless, it must be considered that this activity connotes some problems and difficulties, to which applicants must pay attention, and requires doubtless a genuine interest.
In this way, if one gets sea-sick on board, a career in the merchant navy wouldn´t be a good option. Applicants have to be calm and composed persons and not disposed to panic in the case of engine failure, adverse climatological conditions or even severe storms. Likewise, working days are very extensive (8-14 hours a day and 7 days a week) and shifts can be irregular. Finally, this sort of job means long periods in extreme confinement and away from home, friends and relationships.

Friday, 11 March 2016

merchant navy career path eklavya ship management

Mumbai :- 07715939251

Sunday, 28 February 2016


Merchant Navy is probably the few careers where the salary is relatively high. It can range about Rs. 5000 to Rs. 4 lakh every month though the pay structure differ from company to company, the export-import desires, seniority etc. all crew and officers get free meals on board and senior officers usually takes along their wives for the voyage. Usually emolument in a international vessels are higher specially inside the West European, U. S plus the Gulf. Every officer and crew on the merchant navy working on board a vessel that's carrying foreign cargo is permitted 75% of his net earning in foreign exchange. Besides this, imported liquor, tobacco, canned foods, cosmetics are on board duty free. They are also entitled to four month leave every year.

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Pay & perks in Merchant Navy


The pay and perks again depend on company to company. But generally it depends upon the type of the ship, Experience and Competency of an individual. At the starting level a cadet & ratings may get 150-400 US dollar Pm. Among officers a 3rd officer&4th Engineer gets about 1200 – 3000 US dollar, 2nd officer&3rd Engineer 3000 – 4000 US dollar, Chief Officer&2nd Engineer 3000-4500 US dollar and a Chief Engineer & Captain may get 4000-6000 US dollar for month. Masters may draw salaries as high as US $ 8000 to 10000 per month for being on specialized vessels. But again it depends on the company to company. But the advantage of being paid in US dollar is income tax free income.

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Physical Fitness and Medical Requirements to Join Merchant Navy

The candidate must be in good mental and physical health and free from any kind of bodily defect to interfere with the efficient performance required at the sea. Read on to find out if you are physically fit to join the merchant navy.

  1. Constitution
There should be no evidence of weak constitution by way of imperfect development of muscles or serious malformation. Weight below 42 kg and height below 150 cm will be rejected. The chest should be well developed with a minimum range of expansion of 5 cm.
2. Skeletal System
There should be no disease or impairment of functions of bones or joints, contracture or of deformity of chest or any joint, abnormal curvature of spine, deformity of feet like bow legs, knock knees, flat feet, deformity of upper limbs, malformation of the head, deformity from fractures or depression of the skull, fractures (healed) with a pin inside will be a disqualification.
3. Ear, nose and throat
There should be no impaired hearing, discharge or disease in either ear, unhealed perforation of tympanic membrane or signs of acute or chronic supperative otitis media or evidence of radical mastoid operation, evidence of disease of the bones and cartilage of the nose, nasal polypus or disease of nasopharynx or accessory sinuses. Loss or decay of teeth to such an extent as to interfere with efficient mastication. No disease of the throat, palate, tonsils or gums or any disease or injury affecting the normal function of either temporo mandibular joint. Individuals with severe pyorrhoea are to be rejected.
4. Speech
There should be no impediment of speech (e.g. stammering)
5. Lymphatic System
There should be no enlarged glands, tubercular or due to other diseases in the neck or other parts of the body. Thyroid gland should be normal.
6. Cardiovascular System
There should be no sign of functional or valvular or other disease of the heart and blood vessels. Electrocardiogram should be within normal limits. Systolic blood pressure should not exceed 150mm of Hg nor Diastolic above 90 mm of Hg.
7. Respiratory System
There should be no evidence of chronic or respiratory tract disease, pulmonary tuberculosis or previous history of this disease or any chronic disease of the lungs. X-ray of chest should be normal.
8. Digestive System
There should be no evidence of any disease of the digestive system and that liver and spleen should not be palpable and there should be no abdominal tenderness on palpation.
9. Genitourinary System
There should be no palpable and enlarged kidneys. There should not be any disease of kidneys. Cases showing alburminuria, glycosurea or blood (RBC) in urine will be rejected. There should be no hernia or tendency thereto. Those who have been operated for hernia may be declared fit provided:
(a)  One year has elapsed after the operation. Documentary proof to be produced by the candidate.
(b) General tone of abdominal muscles should be good and
(c) There has been no recurrence of hernia or complications with the operation. There should be no hydrocele, vericocele, spermatocele or any other defect of genital organs, no fistula and/or anal fissure or evidence of hemorrhoids (Piles), rectal polyps. There should be no active latent or congenital venereal diseases, undescended intra abdominal testicle on one side unassociated with hernia, provided the other testicle is normal and that there is no physical or psychological effect due to undescended testicle will be accepted. Undescended testicle is retained in inguinal canal or at the extra abdominal ring will be rejected.
10. Skin
There should be no skin disease unless temporary or trival. Scars which by their extent or position are likely to cause disability or marked disfigurement are a cause for rejection.
11. Nervous System
There should be no history or evidence of mental disease of the candidate or in his family. Candidates having history of fits in continence or urine or enuresis will not be accepted. Mental or nervous irritability, abnormality of gait, defective functions of cranial nerves, inco-ordination, motor or sensory defaults will be rejected.
12. Eye Sight
There should not be any degree of squint or any morbid condition of eyes or of the eyelids that is liable to aggravate or recur, pressure of trachome and iris complication sequela. Candidates must possess good binocular vision (fusion faculty and full field of vision in both eyes). Movement of the eyeballs must be full in all directions and the pupils should react normally to light and accommodation.
The vision should be 6/6 (normal) in each eye separately. Defective colour vision tested by Ishihara Colour Blindness Test is a disqualification.
13. Any other defect which in the opinion of the medical board will interfere with the individual’s efficiency as an officer of the merchant navy.
Note: The Above Information is provided by the Directorate General of Shipping, Merchant Shipping Act 1958.

Saturday, 20 February 2016



Since forever, ships at sea have beckoned the particular brave and adventurous. career that may fetch such high salaries at a really young age that the Vendor Navy offers. Unfortunately, the knowledge as regards to "What is Merchant Navy & How do i join it? " still remains the privilege of few people who already have relatives and friends with this industry. With this in background, in this section we would like to tell you all about job in Merchant Navy. The delivers today are highly sophisticated in addition to technology intensive. Safety and efficiency in the ship are crucial and is determined by the professional ability, competence in addition to dedication to duty, of any seafarer, on board ship. Normally, a seafarer is expected to be highly professional for the safe and efficient operation in the ship. The training in India will be of exceptionally high standards along with the Indian seafarers are essentially the most sought after commodity in the particular shipping industry worldwide. Needless to state that an Indian seafarer calls for and does gets highly paid out.
The attraction of riches with this profession has been subject of several a folklore. Even today, the situation remains about the same, except that today the ships are a great deal more safer than they were inside times of Vasco-da-Gamma and Columbus. Nowadays, there is hardly any
(a)    Deck Officer- The officers from this branch primarily look after the particular ships navigation, loading/unloading of cargo and also the general maintenance and administration with the ship. The officer joins from the rank of 3rd officer which is subsequently promoted to the status of 2nd officer, Chief Officer lastly the Master of the dispatch. Off course, the promotions are at the mercy of the individual passing his competency exams and his performance note of the ship. In addition in order to navigation duties, normally a 3rd officer deals with the life saving appliances, 2nd officer the passage planning and also the navigation equipment, the Chief Officer deals with the cargo work and the Master will be the overall in-charge of the dispatch. 

(b)    Engineering Officer - They are the officer who are certified in Marine Engineering. They join as 4th Engineer and in depth, get promoted to 3rd, next and Chief Engineer, subject on their passing the competency exams as well as performance on board the ship. The Engineering department along with looking after the main motors, are also responsible for affiliated equipment like power generation products, cargo pumps and air - conditioning etc. The4the Engineer is liable for operation and maintenance of power plant room auxiliaries. The 3rd professional for fuel, water and the boiler room equipment. The 2nd engineer for lubricating the machine, engine room auxiliaries, and electric powered equipment. In addition, there is definitely an electrical officer, who is accountable for the electrical equipment.

(c)    Radio Officers - The air Officers looks after all the electronic communication and the related records. In addition, he also manages electronic navigation aids such as radar, depth measuring devices, lengthy range navigation equipment and worldwide positioning system etc. However, this family of personnel has been almost phased out and their duties passed to other deck officers. To be qualified as Radio Officer an individual have to do a two week GMDSS program.

(e)    Purser - They are an officer who looks after all the administrative work related to cover and perks of personnel on-ship. However, this category of personnel has additionally been almost phased out and their duties passed to the site other deck officers.

(f)    Ratings  - You'll find three kinds of ratings : deck, engine room and catering. Deck rating is responsible for cargo handling, mooring/ UN mooring and general maintenance with the ship. Similarly the engine space ratings assist the engineering authorities in maintenance and operation involving engines and associated equipment. The catering crew involves Steward / Cooks and for the reason that name suggests, they look after the catering and the house retaining of officers cabin.

career in merchant navy

Career Path in Merchant Navy & Different Ranks

 you can call to know more @  08699499846
1. Deck Department
2. Engine Department
3. Catering / Saloon Department
Career Prospects
Qualification as a merchant navy officer can lead to opportunities throughout. Since the marine sector is growing, there are strong prospects for work. The merchant navy provides a range of career paths, with opportunities at sea and onshore. Following are the career options in merchant navy.
Deck Officer
The officers from this branch primarily look after the ships navigation, loading/unloading of cargo and the general maintenance and administration of the ship. The officer joins in the rank of 3rd officer and is subsequently promoted to the rank of 2nd officer, Chief Officer and finally the Master of the ship.
Engineering Officer
These are the officers who are qualified in Marine Engineering. They join as 4th Engineer and step by step, get promoted to 3rd, 2nd and Chief Engineer, subject to their passing the competency exams and performance onboard the ship. The Engineering department in addition to looking after the main engine,& also responsible for associated equipment like power generation equipment, cargo pumps and air-conditioning etc.
There are three kinds of ratings - deck, engine room and catering. Deck rating is responsible for cargo handling, mooring/unmooring and general maintenance of the ship. Similarly the engine room ratings assist the engineering officers in maintenance and operation of engines and associated equipment. The catering crew consists of Steward and Cooks.
Catering / Saloon Department
This department is responsible for preparing of food and meals for the crew on board. They also maintain living quarters of the crew and the mess halls. This department includes Chief Cook, Second cook & General Steward. One can join Catering department only as General Stewards or as Second cook after doing required Pre-sea training.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Questions To Be Cleared Up Before Joining Merchant Navy


The most common questions that are asked to us about merchant navy careers, we have listed down famous myths and misinformation that is prominent among those who are looking forward to a career in the  merchant navy.
1. Sailing is a Permanent Job: Most of the shipping companies, to be more precise approximately 70% of them manage their ships on contract basis. Even the rest 30% of the companies do not have any clause on permanent employment in their contracts; rather they man ships on round-the-year contracts.
Under fixed contracts, you go on ships after signing a contract for “X” months (Depending on the company policy). Once the “X” term period is over, the company is not liable to provide you with another job/contract. You only get paid for “X” period of work and you might be required to look for a new company once your contract is over.

Fact: Sailing for companies is not a permanent job – The job is either in fixed contracts or round-the-year basis.

2. As “Advertisement” says, I Will Earn $10000 in Only Few Months: Everyone of us has seen advertisements of maritime academies exaggerating the amount of money seafarers earn at sea. In the past couple of years, merchant navy has gone through a drastic change in areas from examination structure to internal company promotions. All reputed shipping companies now have “Promotion Matrix” which requires minimum time of sailing for next promotion. Today, even the STCW examinations have become difficult to clear. To earn the highest salary, you would have to be in the top most position and for that it would need at least 7-10 years.
Moreover, the type of salary one earns greatly depends on the company and type of ships he/she is working on. Just like in any other field, in merchant navy as well every professional has to gain experience and rise in ranks in order to become eligible to earn a handsome salary. If you think you would earn thousands of dollars as soon as you start sailing, then you are highly mistaken.
Fact: You do not get big money in initial years; it will take at least 3-4 years to reach good salary package, and 7-10 years to reach the top management and draw the highest salary.
3. They say 100% Placement, I Will Surely Get the Job: The fact is, in today’s shipping industry, only few shipping companies, who also manage a ship management firm, can be relied upon. A private or even a government institute claiming 100% placement actually means that they will provide “100% placement assistance” on successful completion of the course. A lot can be figured out on the basis of the acute dearth of job opportunities in the shipping sector. Please don’t be fooled by “100% placement” advertisements, act wise and do your research before joining such institutes.
Fact: Most of the institutes are struggling to provide good placements due to less demand of maritime professionals, especially at the starting level.

4. I Will Get Salary Even When I’m On Leave: Not all company provide such facilities. As said in the first point, approximately 70% of the companies opt for fixed contract periods. This means that once you are OFF contract, you will not be getting any salary. The rest 30 % of the shipping companies, who do provide such facilities, will pay you the wages as per round-the- year contract terms, i.e. if the contract says 4 months ON and 2 months OFF, you will get only 2 months to enjoy the paid leave. In such cases, the companies have full command on your holiday period.
Fact: You don’t get any salary once you are on leave after completing your contract. If you are on round -the-year wages, you will get salary during leave only for specific period.
5.  I Am Sponsored, I Do Not Pay My Fees: This is one of the most misused terms. Actually, the term “sponsored” is very differently used in the shipping industry. “Sponsored” does not always mean that the full tuition fees of a course is taken care of by the college. Instead most mean that they will sponsor a place for you on a ship to complete your initial training onboard ships which makes you eligible to sit for exams and get promotion. Before you take up such opportunity, please ensure that you read the terms and conditions of the company/institute properly.
Fact: Most of the times, you get  a sponsored seat on a ship as a trainee and not a sponsored course with fees waiver.

6. I Can Take My Family on Board Ships Once I Become An Officer: No and Yes – No, you cannot take your entire family on ship immediately after you join as an officer. You can only take your immediate family onboard and that too only after sailing at a management rank with a shipping company. Though few companies allows operational level officers to bring their immediate family onboard once they complete a good amount of time with them, such privileges are diminishing as every company today is looking for cost cutting.
Fact: You can only take immediate family once you are at management position or sailed for comfortable period of time with a particular company at operational level.
7. I Wear Spectacles, I Cannot Join: You can join merchant navy with specs provided you meet the following requirement: 6/6 vision in both eyes (without visual aids); no colour-blindness for Nautical Officer’s and for Engineering Officers use of corrective lenses permitted but the maximum permissible limits at entry are 6/12 in each eye or 6/9 in the better eye and 6/18 in the other eye, for Distant Unaided Vision. It will be an individual’s decision to do whatever is required to meet the requirements and as long as one meets the above requirement, he/she will be eligible for joining the Merchant Navy. (The rules may vary across different countries)
*Colorblindness of any type is not eligible for merchant navy
Fact: You can join merchant navy even if you wear specs. ( T & C Applied)
8. Plenty of Shore Jobs Are Available, I Can Shift to Land Anytime: Most of the shore opportunities in shipping companies will require managerial experience of at least 2nd engineer/ chief officer rank. To become one of these an average person will take at least 7-10 years. There are not many opportunities on shore for seafarers who want to make a shift early in their careers. If you are doing marine engineering or nautical science to get a job on shore, it’s not a very good idea.
It’s always advisable to shift to shore job, after taking decent managerial experience, to get a decent salary package (Of course, not as good as what you get at sea). Additional qualification such as MBA and advanced courses are always helpful for better salary and higher options.
Fact: It is not easy to get a decent job on land at start of a merchant navy career.
This is not an exhaustive list of questions that are asked to by aspiring merchant navy candidates, but these are some of the most misleading myths that needs to be cleared up before a person is planning is join merchant navy.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Why You Should Join Merchant Navy?


Well! Now I have given an idea what merchant navy is and what are different types of job.
Merchant navy is not like engineering or medical jobs because it is still not very popular among young graduates. But now it is gaining popularity because of certain advantages in this job.
Here are some of them.

Mediocre Educational Qualification

The first great thing about merchant navy is that you need to have mediocre educational qualification.
It means you do not need to have great academic background like in engineering and medical jobs.
If they are asking a graduate then they are not going to demand minimum marks. Just passed is enough.
So if you have less or average educational qualification then also you could apply for merchant navy.

Lucrative Pay Package and Perks

Here is the best thing about merchant navy job and that is its lucrative pay package and other perks with it.
In this your salary is much higher compared to any other type of job. Even an engineer do not make this amount of money like a merchant navy employee makes.
If you know, the salary for a fresh candidate could start from Rs 50,000/- per months to even Rs 100,000 to Rs 200,000/- per month.
So there is a lot of money that could be made even if you are young.

Overseas Travelling and Adventure

This job is very adventurous because you will get to travel to different parts of the world. You could travel almost every corner of the world without paying any money from your pocket.
People spend lakhs of rupees in cruise liners for travelling and you would be doing for free because of your merchant navy job.

Exposure of other Cultures

You come in contact with other cultures that were totally unfamiliar to you.
Meeting other people and sharing their experienced with yours is a really a great way to learn new things in your life.

Tax Benefits

Government also gives certain tax relaxation to merchant navy employees if they meet certain criteria.
They have to spend at least 6 months on duty in a vessel or ship.

Professionalism and Discipline

This is the best part of the merchant navy where you become more professional and disciplined. You need to complete your tasks at a given amount of time.
Hence it makes you more disciplined that will benefit in your future life.
Although there are many benefits in merchant navy job however it is my responsibility to tell you it’s disadvantages also.
First one is in merchant navy you need to stay away from your family for half of the year. So 6 months you are going to be in sea on the ship.
Then, staying on the ship for such a long time might give you sea sickness because of the climate.
Moreover, in today’s world you have to face sea pirates. As you know pirates hijack ships and demand for ransom.
Therefore these are some disadvantages of a merchant navy job.
Finally, I recommend you merchant job is good for you when you are young. Once you have made enough money then you could change your job and do something which is comforting to you.

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Reason to work at Sea

1. Excellent salary structure,
2. Financial independence, you start earning
3. You can choose your working period.
4. Job security.
5. Excellent accommodation and food onboard ships.
6. No expenses incurred for lodging or food while on a ship. 
7. Opportunities to see the world and meet & interact with people from defferent countries.
8. An exciting and adventurous profession
For Further Assistance and details call 08699499846


While the Indian Navy safeguards the coasts of the nation, it is Merchant Navy that is concerned with the trade across the seven sea. The Maritime Industry Offers career that have nationally & internationally recognized tertiary qualification, job satisfaction, a high level of responsibility, good advancement prospects & a wide variety of career opportunities, both at sea & ashore.

Along with the excellent pay and promising promotional, it provides scope for adventure and
travel. Merchant Navy is also challenging career for young generation as it is a mixture of both
pleasure and pin-while the benefits are numerous, the long sea voyages do have their disadvantages-boredom, loneliness, strenuous work, separation from family etc. But on the whole, it teaches resiliency, responsibility, courage and strength and opens the doorway to new places and wonderful experience.
The yeomen efforts of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO), London is achieving the twin objective of ship and clean seas, by the development of various conventions, protocols and guidelines concerning the safety of life at sea, prevention of pollution at sea, seafarers certification and watch keeping are appreciated to the word.
Merchant navy is known for transportation. Plus point of merchant navy is the highest paid salary. Moreover it is totally tax-free. You can save the total salary since all your expense is borned by the Shipping company.
Different Sections on the ship:-
DECK (Master,chief officer,second/third officer,Cadet, Seaman)
ENGINE (Chief Engineer, Marine Eng, forth / third / second Engineer, Junior Eng.)  
KITCHEN (Steward, Waiter, Cook, Mess boy)
 PETTY OFFICER (Electrical Officer, Fitter, Welder, Oiler, Wiper)